10th July 2013, 10:00am – 3:00pm

This invasive species is just beginning to get established at Drumburgh Moss, and it is vital that we control it now before it spreads to other parts of the site. It should be possible to clear it all, hopefully leaving some time to explore the rest of the reserve, including the recently restored lowland raised mire.
The site is very wet, with little shelter, and wellies are essential. Please wear outdoor clothing and bring a packed lunch. Children under 16 years of age are welcome if accompanied by an adult.
Contact Kevin Scott on 01228 829575 or [email protected] to confirm your attendance and to check event details.
Location and Directions
Drumburgh Moss, Near Drumburgh village, Drumburgh Village
Meeting point: Meet at the car park up from Moss Cottage. GR: NY 255 586