Morning Bird Chorus Walks in Saltburn

Every morning, especially in spring, songbirds across the world welcome the dawning of a new day with their birdsong. The famous ‘dawn chorus’. Join Saltburn Valleys CIO, along with thousands of people around the world, to celebrate the joy of Spring bird song on Sunday May the 5th, International Dawn Chorus Day!

This is the perfect opportunity for nature lovers to gather at dawn at Saltburn Valley Gardens to listen to the sounds of birds as they sing to great the rising sun. Join us as we head out for an early morning walk to soak up the joyous Spring celebration. Led by Steve Ashton, Tees Valley Wildlife Trust’s bird expert, listen out for your favorite birds as well as some more unusual songsters. Watching the sun rise and listening to birdsong its well worth the early start.

Dawn Chorus Walk: Sunday 5th May, 5.30am. Meet at the Bandstand on Glenside.

To contrast the bird song to be heard at the Saltburn Valley Gardens, join us on two other early morning bird song walks to listen to the morning chorus and find out about the birds that make the Saltburn Valleys their home.

Early Morning Bird Song Walks

Saltburn Gill Thursday 16th May 6.30am. Meet at Cat Nab Car Park
Hazel Grove Wednesday 22nd May 6.30am. Meet at Junction of Marine Parade & Milton Street

These walks are part of the Saltburn Valleys CIO’s Ancient Hazel Project which is supported by funding from National Lottery players through the National Lottery Heritage Fund. A number of events and activities are being planned over the next ten months exploring the woodlands and the history of hazel. To keep up to date on events and activities join Saltburn Valleys CIO be emailing [email protected] or check our website
Places are limited so you will need to book a place by calling 01287 636382 or emailing [email protected]

Wrap up warm and wear suitable footwear.

The paths can be steep, wet and muddy.