When working from home, it can be really easy to stay in front of a screen all day and never venture outdoors. We’ve got some easy ways to help you to connect with nature, even in the middle of a busy day! Whether you’ve got five minutes or an hour, there’s plenty of ways you can make your day a little bit more wild.

Getting ready for your day
Set up your workstation so you’re close to a window – this way, you’ll have a front row seat to any wildlife action. It’s also a great idea to bring the outside in, so if you have any houseplants pop them on your desk so that you’ve always got a bit of green in sight. If you can, work outside! Then you can enjoy the sights, smells and sounds of nature all day – now working from home doesn’t sound so bad, right?!
Before the work day starts
Take your breakfast into the garden or have a cup of tea while watching the world outside your window. Even if you’re surrounded by grey, you’re bound to spot little signs of wildlife. There could be a ladybird on your windowsill, or a blackbird singing for a mate on a neighbouring rooftop.
If you’ve only got five minutes…
If you don’t feel like you can step away from your screen but need a breather, check out a Wildlife Trust webcam. Catch peregrine falcons, badgers and puffins going about their daily business, or simply observe the calming landscape of a nature reserve. However, if you do want to take a moment outside, this is a good time to close your eyes and listen to the bees buzzing and birds singing.
If you’ve got half an hour…
…it’s most likely your lunch break! So, why not make it a picnic? Grab a blanket and head out into your garden – getting some fresh air in the middle of your work day is crucial to a productive afternoon. Take it a step further and do some exercise, such as a run, yoga or a quick bike ride to get those endorphins flowing.
If you’ve got an hour…
Make a virtual gardening club with your colleagues. This is a great way to stay connected to your workmates while you’re all at home, and you’re likely to gain some knowledge in the process! Live mini garden tours are always fun – and you can swap tips on gardening for wildlife!
The most important part of staying connected to nature while you’re working from home is nurturing your own health and wellbeing. Wildlife tends to have a calming effect and being outdoors can instantly make you feel refreshed if you’re in a productivity rut. Stay safe everyone and stay wild!
Coming soon
30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts annual challenge to get people doing something wild everyday in June. Sign up opens on the 16th April, so check back soon to get involved. You’ll get a fantastic pack, with loads of great ideas of things you can do; it’ll sort out all those coffee and lunch breaks! Check out #30DaysWild to see what people have been up to in previous years.